Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Big ballrooms

Our Detroit show went well but it was really, really loud. The room used to be a concert hall and was built before any kind of amplification so the acoustics were made for un-amplified sound. Add us into that equation and you get really loud loudness that sounds like an arena. There was almost a second delay from sound coming off the stage, bouncing off the back wall, bouncing off the front wall and then hitting people again. We also had our first digital board of the tour, there are little motors on everything so stuff moves by itself, I like it a lot and it looks really cool but some people just look at it and say "oh, neat". *sigh* I guess there should have been a nerd alert before that but oh well.

We had a very smooth, very quick sound check Columbus. The venue used to be a movie theater and we had a good turnout. The dressing rooms were upstairs, up a iron spiral staircase....so that was neat. Urban Outfitters was having a sale so a bunch of us got some jeans, I also got a shirt with a little bird smoking a cigarette on the front, wearing a hat and Lauren got a multi-colored sparkly beret that she loves but Matt thinks it is ridiculous. I'm really digging for stuff here. We had a day off in Wheeling West Virginia yesterday. We had thunderstorms for most of the day and sat inside watching movies and doing website work, answering emails etc.

We just pulled up in front of the venue in Pittsburgh which used to be a church. They have a hostel for bands to stay in that holds 8 people in 5 rooms that used to belong to the nuns and monks of the church. I can't wait to see the inside.

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