Friday, August 3, 2007

The mighty Rogue River

Our day off yesterday was spent on the Rouge River in Oregon in the town of......wait for it.....Rouge River.
Lauren, the Viola player is sitting next to me and says that I should write that she is so good looking that she is like Medusa, but in a good way. So there you go Lauren, your thoughts are immortalized onto my blog.
I ended up going for a run yesterday, swimming a lot in the pool at the hotel, hanging out by the river with some of the other band members and going in the river for a while, then a local kid showed up and asked us if we were from out of town. Judging from my run I would say that everyone knows everyone in the town so his observation was more of a statement posed in the form of a question. Then, he asked if the tour bus was ours and we all started skipping rocks across the river. Let me tell you, the local kid definitely had a home field advantage he was getting like 9-11 skips while ours were around 5 or 6 and, it turns out, if you have male plumbing, you can skip rocks for a really long time without getting bored. Eventually we did get bored with skipping rocks and resorted to attempting to throw rocks across the river which I was able to do after about 10 minutes. In this competition, I beat the local kid. We also had some good Mexican food and played Frisbee for a while. It was a great day off.
We are 45 minutes outside of right now getting an oil change and should be at the venue in about an hour. Get ready Hawthorne Theatre, we're coming.

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