Friday, August 10, 2007

The Mountains

Salt Lake City turned out to be an awesome show. The venue was really small and loud but the fans were amazing people who were screaming all the way through the set and they were generally just full of energy. The venue didn't have hot water for the showers so the promoter let Matt and I shower at her house. After that we headed out to cross the Rockies.

This morning we pulled into Englewood, about 9 blocks north of Denver to load in at the Gothic Theater. I went with Kyle, the tour manager, Patrick, the merch man, Jon, and Daniel of Goldenboy to get breakfast at "The Queen of Breakfast". I'm not sure who named that place queen of breakfast but it's some sick in-breeding royal family because this establishment was not the queen of any breakfast I have experienced. After loading into the venue which was really really nice, we did a short sound check because Copeland's drummer is at a wedding until Sunday and they had to work in their replacement drummer. The venue had a great system and everyone sounded great tonight.

***************************** Nerd Alert *************************************
The board we used tonight was the Alman Brothers Monitor board until 1982 when this club bought it for around $40,000. It has over 1,000 knobs and 850 buttons. It was rad and there will be a picture on the picture link to the right. I also started using more reverb and delay effects tonight to get a little more creative.
***************************** END NERD ALERT *****************************

It takes a really conscious effort to see the cities we are in and not just see the venue and the inside of the bus. It's hard in some cities too because our venues are not always in the city centers so it takes a lot to get out and see where you are. I think that the venue in Omaha tomorrow is in the middle of the city but I'm not sure how much there is to see there. The venue tomorrow is part of a compound designed by film buffs, musicians, sound engineers etc. It looks very interesting and I am eager to see it.


janey said...

oh michael - i appreciate the nerd alerts even though i have no ideas what it is. b/c i know you have a HUGE grin on your face while writing them and plus, you don't frown. or rather, can't.

Matt said...

I'm glad that you had spent plenty of time in San Francisco before exploring the area around the Great American Music Hall. From what I'm told, there are nicer areas than the Tenderloin...allegedly.